Adventures of Lolo



Genre: Puzzle

Developer: Hal America Inc.

Total time played: approximately 6 hours over 2 weeks

Short review:  Adventures of Lolo is a puzzle game and in each level there is only one way to advance.  The game does a great job of starting off very easy and building to a difficult and satisfying final stage.  There isn’t much action but if you stick around until the end you will feel a real sense of accomplishment.

Interesting links related to Adventures of Lolo

I rented this game over and over as a child but could never complete it.  This was before the internet and the only way to beat a level was trial and error.  As an adult it took every fiber of my being to not cheat and look up the puzzle solutions online.  There were several times I was stuck on one level for several days before figuring out how to advance.  If I was stuck on a level for more than 10 minutes I would just turn off the game and come back later with a fresh mind.  This strategy worked as I was able to finally beat the game unaided in about 2 weeks of playing a few minutes per night.  The final stage took me 3-4 days and I found myself thinking about the level while trying to sleep and while sitting at work.  The solution came to me at work and I couldn’t wait to get home and try it out.

The music in this game is very short and repetitive.  I found myself hitting mute and listening to music on my phone instead of suffering through the game music.

Of all of the NES games I have beaten this is one of the games I am most proud of.  You don’t have to be a fan of video games to enjoy this game.  If you like logic puzzles, sudoku, or chess you will like Lolo. I can’t wait to play through the sequels and then forget the answers to each stage and play through all the games again in the future.


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